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"Black American" を含むツイート

link 日付 (UTC) メディア ツイート内容
tweet 2015-11-01 ハフポスト(US) Why a black American is seeking refuge in Canada from police racism
tweet 2015-01-19 ニューヨークタイムス What, to the black American, is Martin Luther King Jr. Day? via
tweet 2013-07-21 ワシントン・ポスト The first black president speaks out first as a black American. An A1 essay by Obama biographer
tweet 2013-07-21 ワシントン・ポスト With his words about the Trayvon Martin case, the first black president speaks out first as a black American.
tweet 2012-08-17 ABC Bob Marley Wanted More Black American Fans, Says Son Ziggy